Call for Industry Demos
The ICIP 2019 organizing committee invites proposals for industry showcase demos to be presented during the conference. The demos can be related to any of the technical areas covered by ICIP. The industry showcase session will be held in parallel with the poster sessions during the main days of the conference.
Please note that this showcase is intended for research demonstrations by industrial partners; the demonstration of commercial products should be presented as part of the exhibition.
Authors are invited to submit a one-page abstract describing the technology being demonstrated, equipment that will be used, and the demo experience. The abstract must clearly explain in what sense the proposed demo is innovative and how it will appeal to the ICIP audience. Demos should ideally have an interactive component. If the demo is associated with a paper submitted or accepted to ICIP, please also provide the corresponding paper ID.
Each demo will be provided with a table, display monitor and electrical power strip. All other equipment needs to be provided by the presenters. You will be responsible for any shipping costs, delivery to and from the conference as well as care of your equipment during the conference. You will also need to register at ICIP in order to present your demonstration.
Important Dates:
- Demo submission:
May 31, 2019June 15, 2019 - Notifications of acceptance:
June 15, 2019June 30, 2019 - Camera-ready deadline for one-page abstracts (USB only):
June 30, 2019July 15, 2019
Any questions about the industry showcase demos should be emailed to the ICIP 2019 industry chairs exhibitors@2019.ieeeicip.org.