VISA & Letters
It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a visa in advance if required. We had listed a list of types of VISA in alphabetical order to enter Taiwan for your reference.
Please contact local Taipei Economic and Cultural Office for full and official instructions on the specific visa regulations and application procedures that apply to you. We recommend to apply at least 2 months prior to your travel.
For the latest information regarding visa requirements, please visit the official website of the ministry of foreign affairs: https://www.boca.gov.tw/mp-2.html
Visitor VISA for Attending Conference
Designated countries: Nationals from the following countries applying for visitor visas to the R.O.C. must fulfill the procedure of this section: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, India (Identity Certificate), Iraq, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Syria
https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-159-249-4162c-2.html -
Hong Kong and Macau Residents: online application available
https://niioa.immigration.gov.tw/NIA_OnlineApply_inter/visafreeApply/visafreeApplyForm.action -
Mainland China Residents: Due to the complicated procedures, it is strongly to contact registration liaison at least 2 months before the Conference
Click here for more information. -
eVISA: Nationals of the following countries are eligible for eVisa: Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Dominica, Ecuador, Eswatini, Kiribati, Kuwait, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Montenegro, Oman, Palau, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates. Other foreign nationals must obtain an eCode from the host organization in Taiwan prior to submitting an online application for an eVisa. To apply for eCode, please send a clear bio-page of your passport to registration@2019.ieeeicip.org.
https://visawebapp.boca.gov.tw/BOCA_MRVWeb/subroot/MRVWeb0_disclaimer.jsp -
Southeast Asian Countries: Applicable to citizens of India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia and Lao and the applicant possesses at least one of the following documents issued by Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, any of the Schengen countries, the United Kingdom, or the United States:
https://niaspeedy.immigration.gov.tw/nia_southeast/languageAction!confirm -
Visa-exempt: Nationals are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay.
Invitation Letter
The Conference organizers will be pleased to offer an official invitation letter to any individual requesting one once their registration and fees have been received. It is to be understood that such an invitation is intended to help potential participants obtain a visa but not imply any financial support nor offer a guarantee that the abstract will be accepted. All expenses incurred in relation to the Conference are the sole responsibility of the attendee.
. If you are an author and request for an invitation letter for authors, please go to“Link”
. If you are a registered attendee and request for an invitation letter or proof of payment, please reenter your registration account and download them.
. If you need other assistance for visa application or have registration problem, please contact Roy roy@elitepco.com.tw or registration@2019.ieeeicip.org.
You may request such a letter by contacting registration liaison at registration@2019.ieeeicip.org.